Courtney Mattson's profile


Magazine Layout - Sophomore Year 
    Making a magazine from the masthead to every pages layout and the type management and incorporating my own photography is probably one of the biggest challenges I have undertaken as an inspiring Graphic Designer. I love publication design and how creative and intricate it can be and then you get to print it and hold it in your hands. This project started with choosing a category of magazine and I chose to go with a women's magazine. With my masthead I didn't want to have a very feminine and stereotypical so I went for something more edgy. Going further into the magazine we had to choose an article and I found one talking specifically about body image and eating disorders. The article really struck a chord with me and I knew that I wanted to use and I needed my photographs to match it. Continuing forward I really tried to set a tone with everything from my color choices and how I photographed to the way I laid out my spreads. While incorporating my photography I also wanted to make sure that I still had quite a few design elements so that the magazine wouldn't become stale. I really was able to do this with the table of contents and the pull quotes. It was also important to have a spread without any photographs just to let the magazine breathe and have a bulk of text and the story be continued. This magazine was really challenging because it forced me to think in a different way then any poster, brand identity, and project has before. I needed to create a cohesive design that also had enough variation to keep it interesting. I am over all happy with the way it turned out and can't wait to work on another publication. 